
How to Choose a Newborn Gift in 6 Steps for Non-parents

New parents need the support of their friends when adjusting to parenthood. A thoughtful gesture such as sending a gift could help them feel less alone in this new stage of life and make it easier for them to adjust more quickly.

Buying a gift for the baby is one thing that seems like it should be easy enough, but you may not know what to buy. You can’t go wrong with clothes or blankets since they’ll need them eventually and might as well have something nice while they’re young.

Buying gifts for infants isn’t too difficult if you think about it – after all, babies don’t care what their parents get them so long as there’s some food involved (and maybe diapers). On the other hand, it’s about finding a gift that helps the new parents and shows that you are there for them.

No good deed goes unnoticed, and new parents will remember those there for them during the early stages of parenthood.

if you have no idea how to choose the perfect gift, we have a 6-step guide for you to follow:

Step 1: Find out the Gender of the Newborn

Before presenting a gift to the newborn, always make sure you know its gender. This will significantly affect the type of items in line with what its parents want, from clothes and plushies. Depending on who it is being gifted to, colour matters; pink might be best for girls while blue may work better for boys!

Step 2: Consider what the Parents Need

The last thing you want is for your well thought out present to end up in their closet on display with other stuff that they don’t use or like. Worst, you don’t want your gift to be regifted.

Think about their current situation and needs. Avoid giving any gifts if this item already belongs in their home or on hand. Instead, think about what they lack and need.

Step 3: Think about How You Want the Gift to Benefit the Baby

How do you want the newborn to benefit from your gift?

To make your gift genuinely feel like a present, avoid gifting ‘useless’ items that do not help the baby or his/her parents. For instance, if you want to help stimulate the sense of touch in the child’s hands and fingers, look for baby hampers that contain items such as rattles and plush toys.

Step 4: Do Your Research and Shortlist some Gifts

Chances are that you will probably get the invitation early, so this gives you some time to narrow down some gift ideas.

Gifts are a great way to express your love and appreciation for someone special. The best gifts you can give them will be the ones that show what they mean to you, so take some time before making any decisions about which gift is right for them.

Step 5: Align your Gift with the Occasion

Will there be a celebration with plenty of guests or just an intimate get-together?

Remember that it’s not recommended to give flashy and loud gifts when you’re meeting up with the baby for a casual meetup. If there are many people at the party, feel free to go ahead with more extravagant presents!

Step 6: Get Advice from other Parents

Finally, one of the biggest struggles most non-parents have when shopping for a gift is not knowing what parents need. This is where it helps to check in with other parents to determine what kinds of gifts would be beneficial for the newborn and its parents.

Need some help choosing a gift? BearloonSG has the resources and the team here to help you find the perfect gift. Get in touch today!